Barefoot Doctor Herbs

Barefoot Doctor Herbs

Custom Formulas Made for You

A unique feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that each herbal formula can be adjusted to create different effects This is accomplished by taking a classic formula and adding or subtracting herbs to match an individual’s needs.

Our dispensary is set up to create and modify classic formulas and send them to you as teas, capsules, powders, or syrups.

An example of this is a formula called Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination (Chinese name: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang; Japanese name: Shokenchuto). This formula is traditionally made as a tea, but since we often give it to children to boost their immune system, or possibly to people with weak digestion, it is better taken as a syrup.

This formula is gathered together as a raw herb, simmered in water for 2-3 hours, strained, and cooked down into a smaller amount to which is added glycerin for taste and preservation. A typical dosage of this syrup would be 2-3 Tablespoons taken every day for several months. Syrups are especially good for adults who have problems with drinking tea, or can’t take pills. Also, parents find it easier to keep their children compliant when an herbal formula is easy to take and doesn’t taste bad.

We often grind up Chinese herbal formulas into capsules as they are an easy way to avoid strong tasting herbs. An example of a strong, bitter formula would be Rhubarb and Moutan Combination (Chinese name: Da Huang Mun Dan Tang; Japanese name: Daiobotanpito) A typical use of this formula would be to eliminate soreness, pain, and adhesions in the lower right quadrant of the pelvis-especially the kind that there is no known medical cause for. It is much easier to take in capsule form.

Some Chinese formulas are given to pets by veterinarians or by their owners. In this case, we would grind up theBarefoot Doctor Herbs custom formulas for your health bulk herbs and the owners can then sprinkle the formula on the animal’s food. Shut the Sluice Powder (Chinese name: Suo Quan Wan) is an example. A typical use of this would be incontinence in dogs.

Finally, we make Chinese herbal teas in large enough batches to last as long as a month. Many classic formulas when cooked only last for a few days. Making a larger batch is economical and can be refrigerated and warmed up. This is particularly helpful if someone does not have time to make tea every day or other days. An example of this type of “batch” tea is Bupleurum and Cinnamon Combination (Chinese name: Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang; Japanese name: Saikokeishito) This formula is good for many things, but especially improving digestion.

Please contact us if you need custom Chinese herbal formulas or need them prepared in special ways.

In another article, we will discuss 5:1 herbal extracts and Chinese herbal tinctures.