Barefoot Doctor Herbs




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Western Bulk Herbs – Dulse

Western Bulk Herbs Dulse

Dulse is a seaweed that has a characteristically meaty flavor. It is antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also helpful for diabetes and metabolic health. This seabound herb may also lower blood pressure. Due to the flavor and beneficial properties of the herb, the red leaf has found its way into many herbal mixtures and culinary dishes across the years.

Latin Name:
Palmaria palmata

Common Name:
dillisk, dilsk, duileasc, duileasg, sea lettuce flakes, creathnach

Parts Used:


Traditional Uses:

Internal Applications:
In the past, the herb has been used to cure sea sickness and hangovers.

Topical Uses / Applications:
In Ireland, Wales, and other nations, it has been used as an insecticide. Icelandic people used it as a poultice to combat infections.

Culinary Uses:

Dulse has medicinal and culinary uses dating back thousands of years. Most of the historical use has been found in Ireland, France, Scotland, Iceland, Norway, and other North-Atlantic countries. The earliest written records date back to the early 5th century in Ireland and France when dulse was used as a condiment and side dish. Other records indicate culinary use in Iceland as far back as at least the 10th century, with Norwegian Vikings consuming it on sea expeditions.

Aside from culinary use, dulse also has numerous medicinal uses in its past. For example, Icelanders used dulse in a poultice to fight infection. Dulse was also used to counter sea sickness and hangovers.

Lastly, it was used in Ireland, Wales, and other countries as an insecticide and antihelminthic.

Chemical Properties:

Folk Lore:


*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Weight 4.6 kg


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Availability: 5 in stock